Wednesday, March 30, 2011

3 years: With Daddy's hat

Little Chester...

3 years: Red Rocks #4

Oh, I forgot about this...

There was a personal trainer working out some clients at the park and you started copying their exercises, it was so cute.


After the Rocks we headed to Little Anita's...yummie sopapillas!

3 years: Red Rocks #3

We finally finished our hike and headed towards the ampitheater

To think that dinosaurs lived here 130 millions years ago...

Happy Anniversary!

3 years: Red Rocks #2

More hiking at Red Rocks...

I wasn't really prepared for a hike, because there was mostly a path to the place where we got married.  This little rogue hike we took was not a path at all and my shoes had no traction.

Sliding down was the safest way to get down

Your parentals

3 years: Red Rocks #1

This past Monday was Daddy & Mommie's 2 year wedding anniversary.  We headed to Red Rocks this weekend to hang out in the place where we got married.

Ready to hike!

Sadly, the actual spot where we got married is closed for restoration right now, so we just went on another hike

Pretty rocks

3 years: Going for a run

Last week was Daddy's Spring Break.  We didn't go anywhere because Daddy had a lot of work to do, but we decided to go for a run to Fine Park.  It's about a mile and a half away on the Creek path.  We got you into the jogging stroller and jogged away until we go to the park.

You were so happy to get to park

Daddy caught me doing to the monkey bars

Sliding with Mister O

More frozen yogurt for Mommie!  Coconut with pineapples, raspberries and mangoes.

3 years: What we're up to

Mommie has a bit of an obsession with a frozen yogurt place called Ripple.  I want to go every day!

You get chocolate frozen yogurt with marshmallows and mini Reese's Pieces


They finally had this at the library...I've had a hold request on it for months!  It was muy interesting, I'm going to start implementing some of these techniques, watch out.

Mommie has been going back to eating vegetarian/vegan as of late.  Mommie was a vegetarian until a month before I got preggers with you and now it's time to go back!

I wanted to make these little babies

Process le chickpeas and green onions

Add the other ingredients and form little patties

These were so yummie!  You weren't a fan though, we'll have to try something else.