Wednesday, December 9, 2009

2 years: Parent-Teacher Conference

We had your parent-teacher conference on Monday. You did so well. As you can see below you were assessed based on a 36 month assessment and you passed everything even though you're only 30 months old. Good job, O! Your teacher loves you and kept going on about how many interesting things you do and how you're so compassionate with others and how you love dancing around the classroom. little snookie poo. One sad thing is that three of your best friends (Beam, Blaise, & Trey) are graduating to an older classroom in January. I hope you'll be okay! As of January you'll be the oldest child in the Penguin classroom. Here are the comments from your assessment:


Insists on daily routine.
Imitates daily activities during dramatic play.
Tries to be funny. (THIS ONE IS MY you try and not succeed?)
Announces clear which songs he wants to sing during circle.
Reacts to songs with movements
Chooses which book to read.
Sits paying attention at circle time for whole activity. (shocking!)
Gives suggestions. (more like demands!)
Knows his full name and friends (I don't know about this)
In conversations, asks questions or adds comments to go with the flow
Uses social conventions: please (often), thank you
Social play with friends: Blaise, Trey, Beam, Atreyu
Chooses particular activities because one of his friends is in it.
Starts to understand "rules of the game" - throw the ball to...
Looks concerned if one of his friends is in distress, helps friend, comforts
Uses words to express himself and needs
Understands position words -- in, under, etc.
Describes actions in a book of what comes next with familiar books
Shows curiosity
Enjoys creative movement, dramatic play, plan before playing
Run, stop, gallop/skip
Jump with both feet off floor more of the time
Kick, throw ball, drive bike
Can string beads with few directions
Helps friends to move bike (Aww)
Runs across the playground calling out for friends
Undresses to go potty, cleans up after mess, uses spoon/fork