Friday, December 4, 2009

2 years: Daddy

Hi O :)

In two weeks we get Daddy back! This time 2 weeks from now we'll be on an airplane headed to Boston. You're very excited about it. Now that Daddy is done with classes he has been able to spend a little bit more time with us. It's been very nice but things are going to get busy again as his exams start soon. This morning Daddy left the house around 6:30am to get to school. When you woke up about 15 minutes later you looked around and were very sad and said "where's daddy?" made me so sad. I told you he was at school and then you looked around and said "See Daddy later?" and I said yes, we'll see him later. Then you hopped out of bed demanding to watching Little Einsteins so I think you're okay now. On Monday we have a parent-teacher conference at your school. I hope the teacher doesn't have anything bad to say. It's been super cold the last few days today. It was -2 this morning and will only get into the 20s today. Ahhh!! So cold!! I love you sweetie...see you soon!
