Tuesday, October 20, 2009

2 Years: Super Mommy

Hey little monkey,

Last couple days you've been under the weather, sadly, but luckily for you Mommy has been amazing at taking care of you. As a matter of fact right now she's out with you on your "bike" at Pearl Street where you love to go to the toy store, climb on marble animals and basically run around nonstop whenever you see a clearing to do so.

You've gotten so quick too! I wonder if you'll use that quickness in sports in the future? Speedy pointguard, sly midfielder in soccer, who knows? Anyways, back to your Mommy. I can't tell you how lucky we BOTH are that's she's in our lives because she does much for us that I hope when you get older you treat her with the respect she deserves not just for being your mother but for caring so much about you she won't bring you to daycare for two straight days and take you out to play instead.

Oh funny thing I got to tell you. This morning I woke up early and decided to go for a run, haven't run in while. So I'm running along the creek path, it's pitch dark at some parts so I decided to run on the sidewalk down to Pearl Street, where you are now, and guess what I saw while running? A deer just walking around Pearl Street, besides me and the deer there weren't many other people (just street cleaners) and it was so eerie in a kind of nice way. That's what is great about Boulder, we live in the environment with nature, that while we don't always see is always around us. Well gotta run, hope you I know I love you little guy. Think I see you and Mommy in the window!
