Friday, October 16, 2009

2 years: Sleep sleep

Good evening little O :)

You're sound asleep at the moment. Daddy is at our neighbor's place babysitting their little son, Joshua. Well, Joshua is sleeping so Daddy is just hanging out there in case he gets up. Very nice of Daddy. Things are starting to settle even more these days. We're finding our rhythm. You're loving school. You run and gallop over to school in the morning. It's so nice to be able to walk you over and then as soon as we get there you've been saying "bye bye Mommy!" so excited to start your day. Everyone is so happy that you're back at school and teachers keep coming up to me saying that they're so excited that you've returned. People love you little O! One interesting thing that you've learned at school has been the phrase "Go away!". We were a bit shocked when you said it as we never say that so you must have learned it at school. Every day now you say Go away! Go away! and then we make pretend we're crying and you say "I'm sorry" but then you say it again a little bit later. Ahhh!! Anyhoo, I love you my little snookie bear. Looking forward to hanging out with you all this weekend. Mwah!
