Tuesday, November 23, 2010

3 years: Tigger Feast

Today was the Tigger Feast at your school.  The Tiggers asked all the parents to bring a dish to share for a pre-Thanksgiving potluck.  I had put down that I was going to bring empanadas (pastelillos) a few weeks ago and then last week Juan-Michael's father put down that he was going to bring picadillo.  Ahhh!!  Pastelillos are basically picadillo with dough wrapped around it but oh well.

I had decided to make my own dough because I didn't want to drive 30 minutes to Rancho Liborio just to get Goya discs but then I remembered that it's so hard making doughs in Boulder because of the high elevation and how I haven't been able to make a good loaf of bread since we've moved here so we headed to Rancho Liborio on Sunday to get Goya discs.  Then last night I thought I should just try to make the dough anyway since I've never made it before (I'm crazy, I know) so last night we made it together.  It actually came together, I just had to put 3x the amount of water.  I tested out a batch but I thought the dough was too salty and too fluffy (the recipe called for baking powder) so I ended up using the frozen Goya discs anyway.  Ahhh!!

Anyhoo, the pastelillos were a hit.  I made 50 mini ones and they were all gone a few minutes in.  You all sang songs for us and then Marisa read a Thankgiving book.  Very cute!  Daddy couldn't come because it was his last day at the Colorado Supreme Court and his Justice was taking him out to lunch.  Lucky Daddy!  Your school is closed until Monday so I'm looking forward to hanging out with you the next few days.  Love you!

Sifting the flour.  I think our monkey cookie jar looks like you.  :)

Sift away...

...in your underwear (you still love being naked)

Kneading the dough

In your underwear

Yay, dough!  It had to rest for 30 minutes

While you were waiting you "played" with your cars

How lining these all up is fun for you, I don't know but apparently Daddy used to do this as well.

While the dough was rising I made the picadillo.  Once it had risen I rolled it out into a log and made the first mini pastelillo

I wasn't a fan...so made them with the other dough

Tigger Feast time!  On the left is the French bread that your class made yesterday...it was delicious.

I got to sit next to you and eat your pumpkin pie and pumpkin cake...yum!

Eating away

Playing with your Tigger friends