Sunday, March 7, 2010

2 years: Picture Post

You're still taking photos...I have to get you your own camera

Mama series

More snow! On the way to school

At Mommie's school at the Culture Shock event

Being wow'ed by the 3rd place Yo-yo world champion (also happens to be one of the students I work with)

Taking photos in our bathroom

I can see where this is going...

I hope you get over this soon

You're also sticking your tongue out a lot lately

Getting ready for our oatmeal bath (you had a bad rash/allergic reaction on your tummie and back)

Daddy came with us to dance class!

Following the first routine

After dance class we headed up for a hike at Chautauqua Park

Happy O

Daddy had to carry you on some parts because it was really muddy from all the melting snow

Playing with rocks

With Mama!

You started saying you were tired, which is no surprise since you were running up the mountain so Daddy carried you on his shoulders for a bit which you loved

My boys!

Getting closer

What a nice Daddy

Pretty flatirons

After your nap we went on a bus you are waiting for the bus

The buses were running on the Saturday schedule so we had to wait for a little bit

You kept yourself entertained

Trying to scare Mama

Sneaky O

And then you started licking the walls of the bus stop

This is you looking at Daddy while he tells you why you shouldn't lick the walls of the bus stop

The stickers represent the times you used the potty, good job Mister O