Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Week 52: Picture Post

What you've been up to lately...

You became obsessed with a cucumber last week

You carried it around in your mouth and devoured it

You're so crazy

We went to visit Daddy for lunch

Your parentals

You got to see Raul Jr this weekend. He's almost as big as you already!

Gentle Mister O

We took you out in the cold so Mama could get her Jamba Juice

Sorry sweetie but it was so delicious

We went to your Titi Ericka's house for a cookout for your cousin Karina. Here you are with Daddy's friend Justo

Your Titi Ericka got you a birthday present. Thank you!

Your pjs

At the Willington rest stop

It was Yasmin's 8th birthday yesterday

We made you!