Monday, November 27, 2006

Week 16: Snoogle!

Daddy went back to North Carolina this morning (he's a student at UNC Law School) which meant getting up a little after 5am to drive to the airport. I tried to not cry too much when he left but I was a mess all the way home. I miss my snookie, my baby's daddy. :)

We had a great week while he was here and Daddy bought me this!

What is this contraption you ask? Why is that pregnant woman so happy? It's a Snoogle! Or Mr. Snoggle as I call him or the Worm as Daddy calls him. I've been having issues getting comfortable when I sleep. My belly feels heavy and I have to put a pillow in between my legs and then sometimes my back feels weird. We tried the snoogle the first night and once Daddy was able to get into place it was really nice because it supports my legs and belly and head all at the same time. It still doesn't replace Daddy though. He's the best Mr. Snoggle.

My uterus has popped out like whoa in the past week. I am looking like a pregnant woman and am waddling around. Still haven't felt the baby move yet. I swear I feel it moving but then I realize it's probably something else. What else...I'm having round ligament pain. The right side of my pelvis is always kind of sore and it hurts when I walk long or move positions while I'm sleeping. I'm also burping a lot but otherwise I'm really well. The complete fatigue of the first trimester has gone away and I actually have energy to do some things I just like taking a nap sometime during the day. I also don't have much of an appetite and get full pretty quickly but I'm sure that will change soon.

My next prenatal appointment is December 4th. It's just a monthly appointment and then our five month anatomical ultrasound appointment is December 27th. I can't wait to find out if my placenta has moved up. I'm worried that it won't move up and I'll have to have a C-section.

We read two stories to you this week. Corduroy and Goodnight Little Mouse. I hope you liked them. I can't wait to read to you once you're here.

Love you O!

(16 weeks, 6 days)