Saturday, October 30, 2010

3 years: Family Housing Halloween

Thankfully you woke up much better this morning (thank you Infant Tylenol!) so you were able to make it to the Family Housing Halloween parade & party...




Halloween party

You get judged for the superhero costume contest

So many Spidermen!  (it was the #3 costume for boys this year).  If you'd been a garden gnome you would have been the only one...

Miss Amy, your music teacher came to sing and you knew all the songs

3 years: At home

Some photos from home...

Daddy made us some yummie Thai style drumsticks!

Yum!  Sadly it had a little to much too much Sriracha sauce so it was too spicy for Daddy to eat :(

Dinner time!

You keep stealing my Greek yogurt

Friday, October 29, 2010

3 years: Sick Octavio :(

You woke up at 1am this morning screaming because you saw monsters everywhere and with a 102 degree fever. :( 

A sick Octavio is always sad but a sick Octavio on Halloween weekend is even more sad.  You had to miss the Fall Festival at your school and another Halloween party this afternoon.  Hopefully you'll be a little better by Sunday so you can at least trick or treat on Pearl Street.

My poor snookie wookie. :(

Thursday, October 28, 2010

3 years: Handy Octavio

Hello Handy Octavio...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

3 years: Happy Birthday Papa Cesar!

Today is Papa Cesar's birthday...


Monday, October 25, 2010

3 years: Halloween Party

Halloween has officially begun with your first Halloween Party today at the Kappa Kappa Gamma house.

I wanted you to be a garden wanted to be Spiderman, maybe next year!

Walking to KKG

They had a bunch of games, here is the first, the ring toss

Pin the tail on the cat

Bean bag toss

Cute walking game

You were in love with all the cupcakes

Thank you Kappa Kappa Gamma!

3 years: Cottonwood Farms

Another day, another pumpkin patch.

We headed to cute sweet Cottonwood Farms today.  You went there with your class a few weeks ago but you were still excited to go.

You ran right to the straw maze

Still 3 feet tall

Trying to pick up heavy pumpkins

Your obsession with goats continues

Petting little kittens

Trying to get more pumpkins

You wanted to pet this dog but then it started sniffing you

Daddy wheeling you around, again

Through the maze again