Tuesday, August 24, 2010

3 years: Student Lawyer

Daddy got inducted as a Student Lawyer yesterday!  He can now take on cases in the American Indian Law Clinic.  Good job, Daddy!

The fall semester started yesterday so we're back to Daddy going to class and studying like crazy and Mommie having a bunch of events to plan and attend with her students.  Ahhh!  

Some of your friends from the Penguin classroom have moved up into your room now but your friends Kelly and Beam have also moved up into another classroom.  I love Beam, so I hope you can be reunited again soon.

Love you sweetie!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

3 years: Los Angeles - Day #7 - Hollywood & West Hollywood again

Day #7
On our last day we didn't have to leave for the airport until 3pm so we headed to North Hollywood to the only Puerto Rican restaurant in LA and then to West Hollywood for Daddy to get his haircut by gay men, a bit of a tradition of ours now after Daddy got his hair cut in the Castro in San Francisco

At Mofongo, the Puerto Rican restaurant

Our food!  Carne Guisada, Arroz con Gandules, Amarillos & Monfongo for me (I'm a pig)
Pechuga Asada for Daddy, with french fries

So happy!  Sorry, I still don't know how to smile with my braces

And a nice little cafecito and budin to end the meal, yums!

Prop 8 was overturned a week before we arrived so there were lots of signs celebrating in West Hollywood.

3 years: Los Angeles - Day #6 - Laguna Beach

Day #6
After Legoland we headed to Laguna Beach...so so pretty!

We went to Aliso Beach, a beach for little kids with tidepools

Little kids surfing, so cute!

The beach had a little park and there is where you found a friend.  Within a minute of meeting this young boy, Daniel, I asked who he was and you said "my best friend" and ran around laughing and playing with him.

First you made pretend you were pirates and terrorized the other children and then you pretended you were Buzz Lightyears and ran around saying "to infinity and beyond!" and zapping people with your lasers

Here you two are zapping some innocent little kid

3 years: Los Angeles - Day #6 - Legoland

Day #6 in Legoland

Waiting for one of the rides

They have these lego building area while you're waiting in line, love it!

Driving a car

You did so well!

Little Duplo village...so cute!

Digging for dinosaur fossils

Playing in the park

Lemon Cupcake from Crumbs