Saturday, January 30, 2010

2 yrs: Busy, busy bees

Hey little man. Been a while, but barely had a chance to breathe of late. In fact you and I both should be taking a nap, me because I got up at 12:00 to watch the movie Defiance, stayed up until 3am, couldn't sleep until 4am and was awoken by you around 6am. So much sleeping in on the weekends right? You fell asleep on the way home from Target a little while ago, but naturally as soon as you get home you're wide awake. So as your mother passed out on the bed, I changed your diaper and brought you downstairs to let rest, let you play a little and feed you a bit too.

School has been busy but really really interesting. I love my classes this semester, Torts and Contracts were replaced by Constitutional Law and Criminal Law, the two areas I'm probably most interested in, and the professors teaching the classes are really good. I've been applying to scholarships and a diversity clerkship program still looking for work for this upcoming summer. Hopefully I'll land something soon. In other news at least I secured an externship with my former Torts professor that is a Colorado Supreme Court Justice. I'll likely work 10 hours a week for the whole semester next fall, and am excited about this opportunity.

Enough about law school. Your mother has been real busy with work, and at times it seems like we don't get to enjoy life as much as we should, but I hope this sacrifice we are both making now will help us a lot in the near future with flexibility on the job and living front.

You've been talking nonstop about your "upcoming" birthday. You want a chocolate chip cake want your friends from the daycare invited and want it at Chuck e Cheese. Oh and you want trucks and planes I think. Doesn't take much to make you happy so hopefully we can take care of this to make you happy. Grandma Mayela may even come to celebrate with us!

I've been thinking a lot about what you're going to be like when you become an adult. Hopefully a caring, responsible young man. Humility would be great too. However, something about being a Fernandez that makes me think the humility part might be asking too much. But maybe it skips a generation or two? I can't wait for us to hang out together, although I love you how you are now and don't want you to grow up too soon. Your mother and I were talking about school options for you in the future, and maybe private school is in store, depending on our finances. Although I still am hesitant to open up my wallet or take out loans for your college education, but your grammar and high-school I have no problem with paying for, assuming I can.

Well gotta run to try to get you to take a nap, as if you don't I know it'll affect what time you go to sleep tonight and you need to start going to sleep at a reasonable hour. Not to mention daddy is exhausted.

Love you little guy and take care. Oh for historical context, Obama is having a hell of time trying to pass new healthcare reform, the Celtics are inching closer and closer to having the window of opportunity for another championship close shut (although Rajon Rondo just made his first allstar team), the Sox look poised to make another run at a championship (if David Ortiz can bounce back from a rough first half of last year).

Bye, pa.

Monday, January 25, 2010

2 years: Video

O going bowling for the first time:

O at Blaise's Birthday Party:

2 years: Birthday Party

Blaise's 3rd Birthday Party:

2 years: Back in Boulder & Bowling

Your crazy hair


Your first time bowling!

O: Lots of photos

Christmas photos:



Photos from Jalil's 8th Birthday Party


Photos with Grandma Mayela