Friday, July 31, 2009

2 years: Picture Post

Pictures from the last month...

On the carousel at the mall

You only wanted to go on this one that didn't move up and down

Getting wet at Wolcott Park

Freezing cold!

Saying bye bye to the Altima

O likes the new car!

O checking it out

We took you to an indoor water park

In the lagoon

At the Windsor Amtrak train station

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

2 years: Boulder!

We made it to Boulder safe and sound. It's so pretty here but we have a lot to do before Daddy starts orientation in 3 weeks. You were such a trooper throughout the almost 2000 mile trip, Mister O. Thank you so much sweetie pie. More soon.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

2 years: Kansas!

We're in Kansas! Very tired so we're going to sleep now.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

2 Years: Almost there!

Hello little not so little anymore man,

Wow have you been talking a lot lately. It saddens me when you keep saying a word and your Mommy and I can't understand it and you keep saying it and sometimes we never get it. Sorry. But sometimes we do get it, like you saying french fries. Won't try to say how you say it, but needless to say it's a little hard for us to understand.

We've been at Lela Carmen & Papa Cesar's house for the last week, moved out of our apartment in West Hartford, and are gearing up for a move to Lela Mayela's house and then Colorado! Out car has been driving us crazy with one thing after another failing, and costing $1,600.00. That's almost 2 months of rent in our new apartment! My hope now is that the car lasts without any further mechanical problems for at least the next year, preferably two or three.

Your Mommy and I are going into our last week of work and I can't tell you how excited I am. Three years ago at this time I had just left my job working for the government and was equally as excited to be going to law school, but this time with you and your mother I'm much more excited. I'm excited about our road trip out West, and all the places we may stop at along the way to see. I'm excited about you using our new portable DVD player in the car ride. I'm excited about starting a new life, our little family, all alone in Colorado. Don't get me wrong, the help from family the last couple years has been so instrumental in us not only surviving but doing well enough to take the risk of me going back to school in a time when most people wouldn't leave a job like mine as thousands and thousands of people are unemployed. But there's nothing as exciting as the great unknown. And I have a feeling Colorado is going to be wonderful for all of us, you, your Mommy and I. hope you like it little man.

